Alleinsein macht Sinn: Von der Kunst mit sich einig zu sein

Alleinsein macht Sinn: Von der Kunst mit sich einig zu sein


This popular science and self-help book includes texts of the diseased psychologist, Dr. Ulrich Beer, with a contemporary framing through my own texts. Loneliness is a difficult subject for many people and inherently holds a negative connotation. Describing people the psychological benefits of self-reflection and time for coming to terms with the entirety of one's experiences and emotions, will aid them in the many internal struggles they might be facing. Bringing together basic neuroscience, psychology, clinical research, and therapeutic elements for self-help is what this book is meant to achieve.

Beer, U., & Güth, M. R. (2017). Alleinsein macht Sinn: Von der Kunst mit sich einig zu sein. Springer-Verlag,