Fühlen macht Sinn: Wie wir Gefühle erleben und warum wir sie brauchen

Fühlen macht Sinn: Wie wir Gefühle erleben und warum wir sie brauchen


This popular science and self-help book includes texts of the diseased psychologist, Dr. Ulrich Beer, with a contemporary framing through my own texts. Emotions are in integral part of our self and are essential for interpreting the world around us. Understanding that emotions are natural physioloigcal signals of our body helping to guide us, why we feel them, and how they are pointing the way to decisions that are in line with our ideals and goals can be a powerful tool for coping with internal struggles. Bringing together basic neuroscience, psychology, clinical research, and therapeutic elements for self-help is what this book is meant to achieve.

Beer, U., & Güth, M. R. (2018). Fühlen macht Sinn: Wie wir Gefühle erleben und warum wir sie brauchen. Springer-Verlag, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-57864-3?noAccess=true